A.R.U. Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee assures the planning, coordination and continuity of A.R.U. activities, while ensuring the respect of protocols and procedures of the organization.

The team is composed of five members who have defined roles. The operating method is one of teamwork and resourcefulness, while utilizing the skills of each member.

President: Hélène Michaud
Vice-president: Thérèse Tremblay
Secretary: Solange Lamontagne
Treasurer: Julie Boutin
Supplies administrator: Shanie Cormier

Joy Committee

The Joy Committee participates in the preparation of “A.R.U. Festivities” during the year by bringing Love, cheerfulness, laughter and surprises.

Director: Linda Noël Smith

Assistant: Line Landry

Love Committee

Once a month the Committee of Love works at the subtle level, hearts filled with love, joy and goodwill, to transmit the Energy of Love and Light to all members so that they may be enlightened in their involvement. They are also responsible for snacks and beverages for A.R.U. members during group gathering breaks.

Director: Jacqueline Lavallée
Assistant: Joannie Duguay

Events Committee

The Events Committee highlight’s each member’s birthday, sends Christmas wishes as well as condolences when a member is touched by the loss of a loved one.

Director: Simonne Henry
Assistant: Claudette Perreault

Reiki Chain Committee

The Reiki Chain Committee processes requests for help from active members and transmits these requests by email to all A.R.U. members. These include support requests for health, difficult situations and Soul’s passing to the Light.

Director: France Quimper
Assistant: Vacant

Newsletter Committee

The Newsletter Committee communicates the latest news as well as member knowledge and experiences 2-3 times per year with the purpose of supporting members on their path to enlightenment and their spiritual growth.

Director: Chantal Quintal

Assistant: Ginette Poirier

i-lluminated Committee

The i-illuminated Committee creates and updates the alliancereikiuniversel.org website.

Director: Philippe Cormier
Assistant: France Ste-Marie

In the service of unconditional love for over 20 years!
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✉︎ info@alliancereikiuniversel.org